Monday, March 19, 2007

10 favorite Movies, make that 11

This is a challenge from a friend on a scrappy site.

and these are in no particular order.

Bull Durham
Notting Hill
Field of Dreams
The Fifth Element
Bridget Jones's Diary
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
French Kiss
O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I know, I know.. That is the most random list of movies. But these are the movies I will watch over and over.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 things that make me happy...

Time to update! It has been a while. This past winter has been a blur.

I have found some new sites to visit. And this was a challenge on one of them...

10 Things That Make Me Happy

1. sleeping in... (with the time change, I am a little grumpy)
2. visiting old friends (tonight my friends from Arizona are coming over for dinner. We met the first week at Baylor)
3. my children's laughter ( nothing make me happier than to see them happy)
4. a clean house
5. early mornings on the farm
6. camping
7. a good afternoon nap
8. all the bills paid and still there is money in the bank (does not happen too often)
9. new scrappy tools
10. sitting with my friends having coffee and having all the time in the world...