Thursday, July 14, 2005

What I hope to accomplish this week

I am in the process of cleaning out. It means I am cleaning out EVERYTHING. We moved into our house over a year ago and I still have boxes in the garage, in our office closet, and one or two in our bedroom closet. I figure, it has been in these boxes for over a year, I have not missed it, I have not needed it, OUT IT GOES! A bunch of things are going up on eBay, but most of it is going for donation. I don't want to mess with a garage sale. They usually never work out for us, and with children...what a nightmare!

I am tired of having people over and just "telling" them about my closets and how much room I store all this junk!

Hats worn today: dog walker, cleaning woman, cook, nanny, lawn caretaker, solver of great problems with the ps2(how do I get there in the game, mommy), nurse, chauffer, alarm clock for husband. Hmm. I think that is all.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My Family

I have one boy, ready for kindergarten, and I also take care of my nephew, who is not yet one year. My son keeps busy with various activities: Martial Arts, Swimming. Then in the fall he will start soccer. We look forward to the cooler months.

We have two dogs. Our first dog we got right after we married. Friends found her wandering their neighborhood. She had no street smarts. We tried for a month to find owners. She odviously had some. She was spayed, housebroken and a little trained. She is smart though. She was very trainable. We had fun teaching her the usual tricks; rollover, sit, play dead, etc.
Our second dog belonged to my brother. He picked her out when she was a puppy. But when he passed away, she became ours. Smart, she is not. And very not trainable. It is odvious she learned her sleeping habits from a teenager...she will sleep til noon if you let her. But my son loves her and she sleeps with him every night, no matter where he is sleeping. She and my son have really taken a shine to each other.

My husband is a software programmer. Enough said. He is a bit of a geek sometimes, but that is what attracted me to him. He loves working outside. This is probably something he learned from his dad. They spent every weekend at their farm working on various projects. I think my husband looks forward to doing those same things with our son.

My nephew has a condition called William's Syndrome. He has already had heart surgery to clean out 2 of his ventricles. Before the surgery, it was crazy. He was not supposed to cry or get upset. How do you keep a 5 month old from getting upset? Needless to say, he was spoiled! He woke up 4 times during the night. He had his surgery and was out in 5 days. Now he is starting to catch up developmentally. He actually rolls over back to front and front to back. This has happened in the last week. It is amazing to see babies learn these tasks. Although he can roll both ways, it just makes him mad to end up on his tummy. But the more he pushes up, the stronger he will get. I guess I need to really work on keeping the house cleaner.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Blogger

I have never kept an online journal, but ran across the site and decided to try it. Is it a passing fad? We shall see. I am up for trying something new. I choose the title for all the hats I wear throughout the day. I am a stay-at-home mom. It is not that I find there are "too" many hats. There are just a bit. I suppose I will use this to post my musings about events of the day.

Hats worn today: mother, caregiver, cheerleader, teacher, cleaning woman, short order cook, chauffer, banker, office assistant, and nurse. There! I think that about does it for today.