Thursday, August 31, 2006

State Fair winnings!

Got my letters from the State Fair today.... Made my husband open it since I am not there. LOL!

Got a 4th place for my egg picture!!!
That means it will be on display during the fair. So excited here!!!!

Can't wait to tell my step-mother at the hospital tomorrow. She is the one who made me enter it.

My other photo came in 10th... Better luck next year!

Blog Challenge

I have been challenged to answer these questions... I am sure you are dying to know the answers! LOL!

1. What is your favorite season?
Fall is ususally my favorite season. I love when the weather starts to get cool and love going to my son's soccer games. Love seeing the colors of the leaves change, esp. at my husband's family farm. It is so great when we can get out and really do projects while we are there too! We usually invite a group of friends down there for a fun weekend.

2. What is your favorite thing about that season?
Ummm. I think I just answered that! LOL! Love the change in colors, the cool crisp mornings. Love seeing the fall sports.

3. Is there something special you do during that season?
We have taken trips in the past up to Colorado, but now that my son is in school, long trips are harder to take. But we love going to our farm in Brenham, TX! We usually invite a group of friends to hang out for the weekend and we have work weekends with my husbands family... like painting, reflooring, refencing, etc.

Well there you have a little more info about me. I love reading these answers on others blogs as well.

Things are looking up!

Thank you everyone for you prayers and thoughts. My step-mom is really doing better. It turns out she had AVM. That stands for Arterial Venus Malfunction. Apparently it develops in the brain as a fetus. It wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when. The mass ruptured and that is when the two clots formed. The surgery went well. She is staying at the local hospital and not the one that is 30 min away (which was a possibility). It is a five min drive from the house.

My dad is doing ok. I think the having me here has helped. And the support they have had from the school and community is outstanding. They live in a small town in Colorado... Well not so small anymore. But they have worked in the school district for almost 30 years and my dad has been at the same school for nearly that long. My step-mom has moved to other schools, but for this year came back as the drama teacher at his school. They met each other at this same school as teachers 26 years ago and have been married for almost 25 years next month.

In surgery they removed part of her occipital lope and part of her periatal lobe. The first controls vision. Now all that I am telling you is from what I have been told and some reading. So forgive me if I am wrong. They first told us she would be paralyzed on her left side, and no vision in her left eye. But she can see from her left eye , but no peripheral vision. She is moving the left arm a little and the left leg a little. They tell us they will always be weak. But they are working to retrain the brain. So amazing what the brain will do. It is a wait and see kind of thing. They have had her sitting up. This has not affected her speech or her face. She still has the same sense of humor. Still cracking sarcastic jokes. I think they are a bit more sarcastic. They did say some of her personality traits would intensify.

She gets to go to a regular room today, hopefully. So keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Urgent prayers needed!

I just found out tonight that my step-mother had a stroke today. I don't know much right now, but it scares me. My dad and step-mother live in Colorado and I feel so helpless here in Texas. My dad called me from the hospital in the town where they live. She is being transfered to a larger hospital in Denver. I don't know much right now, but please keep her in your prayers.


As I have said in previous posts, I take care of my step-sister's son. He is a cutie. Just recently we had him tested by ECI (an early childhood resource) to help us to know where he is and how we can help him grow.

We are delighted to begin therapy twice a week with him starting next week! I am excited to have someone come and work with him and show me how to work with him the rest of the week. He knows this stuff, but does not make the connection. At least that is the theory. Like I said, he is a cutie.

He has Williams Syndrome and it is rare enough, that finding things on it can be difficult. There are some wonderful websites out there on it, but finding someone to connect to is difficult.

I am just so thankful he is getting the help he needs to grow into the wonderful little boy God intended him to be.

Monday, August 21, 2006

State Fair

State Fair time again.

These are the two photos I have decided (and already dropped off) to enter this year. I don't expect to get first place like I did last year. A ribbon would be nice, but I don't think it will happen this year.

The first one is from last Thanksgiving and our camping trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park.

The second photo is from Easter. I loved how the eggs looked in the glasses. It's funny, but we use those same glasses year after year.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What inspires me the most when I scrap? Pictures!

I am a photographer at heart and the heart of my pages are the pictures. I grew up in a family of photographers (none professionals) that loved cameras and pictures. I was given my first camera at 15... a Canon AE-1. Loved it! When I finally talked my husband into letting me get a Canon Digital Rebel, I never leave home without my camera in tow. Armed with my 4 gig Compact Flash, I am never out of room. But how do I display my works of art? On a scrapbook page of course!

Patterned paper plays a close second. The beautiful patterns and textures that come out every year intrigue me. I can't help myself. I must have it. Even though I am over run with paper, I always can buy more.

This is part of what inspires me. There is a whole scrapbook industry trying to inspire me in other ways...


I have not posted in quite sometime, but for a challenge I have decided to jump back in. Maybe I will be better about it this time around...

I have just recently been looking around at others blogs. Very creative people! One of my favorites is a guy posting a list of things that happened to him that day. A little crude, but very, very funny! I have also been keeping up with different scrappers' blogs and find them so interesting. I love hearing the thoughts that go behind the pages they create. To me, it is the "rest of the story."

I recently joined another scrap site when my friend Shelley told me about a contest they were having. What fun! I love keeping up with sites that have a lot of activity every day. They are so much fun. You really get to know people that way. I know it keeps me from the things I "ought" to be doing... but hey. That would be no fun.

Right now I am in a scrapathon. Every week a challenge is posted with a list of items or techniques they want. Very challenging! I love that it gets me to try new things or go back and do some things I have not tried in a while. Like decorative scissors... had to go "borrow" them back from my son. Anyway. Things are pretty much the same as last summer... but that is for another post.