Tuesday, August 29, 2006


As I have said in previous posts, I take care of my step-sister's son. He is a cutie. Just recently we had him tested by ECI (an early childhood resource) to help us to know where he is and how we can help him grow.

We are delighted to begin therapy twice a week with him starting next week! I am excited to have someone come and work with him and show me how to work with him the rest of the week. He knows this stuff, but does not make the connection. At least that is the theory. Like I said, he is a cutie.

He has Williams Syndrome and it is rare enough, that finding things on it can be difficult. There are some wonderful websites out there on it, but finding someone to connect to is difficult.

I am just so thankful he is getting the help he needs to grow into the wonderful little boy God intended him to be.

1 comment:

motobarbie said...

So glad he has someone special like you to help take care of him!